Divorcing couples have often spent years sharing their homes. Not only have they combined their incomes, they may have taken on joint debt. Many married couples have shared credit cards. Even if each spouse has their own separate credit cards, they may have taken on...
When is shared pet custody possible after a Pennsylvania divorce?
Shared custody of children is the expectation in most Pennsylvania divorces. When there are still dependent minors living at home, both parents usually have time with the children after a divorce. A judge may need to learn quite a bite about a family to reasonably...
3 concerns about debts that may come up during divorce
Divorcing couples in Pennsylvania have a lot of practical issues to address. The division of their assets is often a top priority. Discussions about debt may not seem as important initially. However, debts frequently have a significant impact on the marital estate....
Should you keep the marital home in your divorce?
Your home is likely one of the biggest assets that you have to consider when you’re going through a divorce. On top of the monetary consideration, you may also have emotional ties to the home. All of these factors can make it rather difficult to determine how to...
Asset dissipation vs. asset hiding
When couples get divorced, they are supposed to split up their assets. Unfortunately, in a contentious divorce, one person may not be interested in doing this. There are some tactics that people will use to try to skew asset division in their favor. In many cases,...
Why parental divorce is known as an adverse childhood experience
No parent wants to hear words like “toxic” or “traumatic” used for any experience their child might have – and certainly not one of their parents’ making. Another concerning term that’s increasingly used along with these words is “adverse childhood experience” or ACE....
What’s the difference between spousal support and alimony?
Many married couples have vastly different income levels. One spouse may have sidelined their career after having children to support the family. Even without children, one spouse may focus more on supporting the family through work while the other prioritizes...
2 reasons why you should inform kids about the impending divorce
Divorce is an emotionally heavy event, especially when children are involved. However, this doesn’t mean you should keep your children in the dark about an impending divorce. Looping your kids in can significantly help your children cope with the changes and...
Does your age at marriage predict your risk of divorce?
When you’re facing the prospect of a divorce, it can be hard not to ask yourself, “How did I even get here?” The odds are high that there’s no one clear answer. For whatever reason, you and your spouse no longer feel the same way about each other that you once did –...
What you should know about equitable distribution of property
Property division is one of the primary processes of a divorce. When this element is not approached from the right angle, a divorce can be complicated. States follow different processes when dividing property between spouses going through a divorce. Pennsylvania is an...