Securing The Full Spousal Support Or Alimony That You Deserve
No one plans for a divorce. When a troubled marriage takes a turn toward divorce, there will be many questions both spouses will ask themselves going forward in resolving their issues. Money is one of the most common questions in every divorce. Particularly where there are a lot of assets, great disparities between the spouse’s incomes or both spouses put significant effort into their home, business, or the other spouse’s career, the issue of money is sure to be a major issue in the divorce.
At Kelly, Parker & Cohen, LLP, our experienced spousal support and alimony attorneys provide clients with a well-rounded approach to resolving their marital issues. We know that most clients want to know how they will be able to emotionally and financially carry on with their lives, and we provide compassionate, and when necessary, aggressive representation to ensure a successful future. Contact us today to learn how we can help you safeguard your future during a divorce by calling 717-971-1974.
Get Back On Your Feet During And After Divorce
It is common for spouses to have different earning capacities and salaries at the time of a divorce. Frequently, one spouse will earn significantly more than the other spouse, even though the other spouse has put effort into the marriage in ways other than earning money. Our knowledgeable spousal support and alimony attorneys know that both parties in a divorce will be worried about providing for their futures, and we work to protect their investments.
Types Of Support
In Pennsylvania, there are three different types of spousal support that can be ordered to help a spouse get back on his or her feet during and after a divorce. These three types of support awards include the following:
- Spousal support – This award is where one spouse provides the other spouse financial assistance after a legal separation and prior to the filing of a divorce action;
- Alimony pendente lite – This award is temporary alimony that is awarded during the divorce action but prior to the court issuing the final divorce decree; and
- Alimony – This is the financial support ordered by the court following the final divorce decree.
How Orders Are Calculated
Under Pennsylvania law, there are many factors that must be considered to calculate spousal support and alimony. These factors are guidelines that a court uses to determine a fair award. The factors a court considers may include the following:
- Each spouse’s income and earning capacity
- Each spouse’s age and health
- The length of the marriage
- The spouses’ sources of income (i.e., salary, retirement, disability, etc.)
- Whether either spouse contributed to the other spouse getting education, training, or increased income or earning capacity during the marriage
- The standard of living during the marriage
- The assets and debts of each spouse
- Child custody arrangements
- Each spouse’s education, training and ability
- Other factors
Our spousal support and alimony attorneys at Kelly, Parker & Cohen, LLP, have the knowledge and experience arguing these factors to ensure clients receive what they are entitled to under the law.
Protect Your Financial Future With Our Help
The experienced attorneys at Kelly, Parker & Cohen, LLP, work with you to ensure your efforts during the marriage do not go unnoticed. We zealously advocate for our clients and provide a compassionate strategy to ensure their rights during a divorce are fully protected.
Contact us 24/7 at 717-971-1974 today, to protect and preserve your rights to a successful future!