Child Pornography
Contact the Central Pennsylvania sex crimes defense attorneys at Kelly, Parker & Cohen, LLP, today for your FREE CONSULTATION.
Criminal offenses involving sex and children are some of the most serious charges. The consequences of being convicted of a sex crime involving a child can include lengthy jail time and significant fines. Individuals convicted of sex crimes are required to register with the sex offender database, which can affect your ability to obtain certain types of jobs and affect your day-to-day relationships with friends and neighbors.
If you intentionally possess or know you possess books, magazines, photographs, videos or other materials that depict children under 18 years of age engaging in or simulating sexual acts, you will be charged with a felony. A first-time offense is considered a third-degree felony, which can result in up to seven years of jail time and a $15,000 fine. However, if you offend a second time, you can be charged with a second-degree felony, which can include imprisonment of up to 10 years and a $25,000 fine. Additionally, a person convicted of certain Megan’s law offenses for a second time must be sentenced to a minimum of 25 years of incarceration.
Even if you thought the depicted child or children were older, you can still be charged with a child pornography offense. Similarly, if the child was represented as older than 18 even though that child was, in fact, a minor, you can still be charged with a child pornography offense. However, most child pornography offenses require that you intentionally or knowingly engaged in the offense. Therefore, if you truly accidentally or inadvertently viewed the offensive material, it may be a defense to the charge.
Also, under Pennsylvania law, it is illegal to permit or cause a child younger than 18 to engage in sexual acts or simulate sexual acts for the purpose of photographing or videotaping them for viewing. Moreover, any person who does the actual photographing or videotaping of minor children can be charged with sex abuse of a child. These offenses are considered second-degree felonies, which can result in up to 10 years in jail and a fine of up to $25,000.
Pennsylvania law also prohibits you from selling, photographing, displaying or distributing images of children younger than 18 who are engaging in or simulating sex acts to be viewed in magazines, books, computer videos, films or other materials. Selling and/or distributing child pornography is a felony, the level of which depends on the circumstances and whether you have previous convictions. However, ordinarily, a first offense will be considered a third-degree felony, which can include a jail sentence of up to seven years and a fine of up to $15,000.
It is important to note that you can also be charged federally for a child pornography offense. You may face federal charges if you possess, view or download child pornography on the Internet or email links to child pornography sites.
Being charged with one or more of these criminal offenses involving child pornography can have serious, long-lasting effects on your day-to-day life, particularly because in most cases you will be required to register as a sex offender and spend a significant amount of time in jail. If you have been charged with one or more of these sex crimes, or other sex crimes in Pennsylvania, contact one of the Central Pennsylvania sex crimes defense attorneys by calling 717-971-1974 or contact us online today for your free and confidential consultation.